Twin Group


Founded in 1995, Twin Group are an award-winning international provider of English language education, group travel, work experience, accommodation, higher education pathways, and employability services, including apprenticeships.  

From year-round language schools and summer centres in the UK and Ireland, to our long history of helping people find employment and upskill, our core purpose is growing opportunity for our learners, partners, and colleagues.  

Our values reflect both the very human characteristics of an organisation that cares, alongside a relentless drive for excellence in delivering results, whether in education, or training for people, in contract performance, or in compliance assurance for the organisations that pay us. This drive in turn creates a constant quest for innovation - for new offerings and new technologies, focusing on results, satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness. 

We are consultative and collegiate with our partners and very much "on your side, by your side” when tailoring our offerings and delivery to meet your requirements. 

Growing opportunities isn’t only for our students and candidates. If you work for or with Twin, achieving greater potential is only a step away. Continual professional development fuelled by a curious mind and a supportive corporate culture powers our business (and your career). It is at the heart of everything we believe in. An equal opportunities employer, our people are our greatest asset and we can help you fulfil your personal and professional ambitions.

We employ over 300 full-time and seasonal staff across our offices and 15 training centres, offices and both seasonal and permanent schools. A family business, yes, but we’re all in this together. We are one team with a shared commitment to changing and enriching people’s lives where empathy and respect weaves through everything we do. We reward loyalty and look out for each other and our customers.